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12 Health Benefits Of Kiwifruit (kiwi).

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Hello Friends !!!

Nature is the biggest artist as she shows the most amazing art & creativity. When we look painted sky, beautiful sceneries, sunset & sunrise and of course beautiful mountains, rivers, animals and plants, we feel blessed that we are a part of this beautiful planet earth. Also the beautiful and ðŸĨhealthy fruits, veggies & herbs make us think that nature has provided us all sorts of luxuries to stay happy and healthy. Although, some human activities are trying to ruin the beauty of earth but still our earth is amazing and so is our mother nature.

Among the delights which nature has provided us is  Kiwi , a beautiful, tasty & healthy fruit.
Kiwis are small fruits packed with flavor and loads of health benefits. The green flesh of fruit is sweet and tangy. It has plenty of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and potassium. Kiwis also have a lot of antioxidants and are a good source of fiber. Their small black seeds are edible. It has fuzzy brown peel that can also be eaten though many people prefer to peel off the kiwifruit before eating it.

Health Benefits of Kiwi.

Thanks to different growing locations, kiwis can be in season year-round. They’re grown in California from November to May, and in New Zealand from June to October. Kiwi can also be found in supplement form. Kiwifruit is technically considered a berry.
A few years later, in 1963, this fuzzy fruit was first introduced in India. According to researchers, kiwi cultivation began in the Shimla district, and later spread through the nation. Currently, China, New Zealand, Italy, Greece, Chile, and France are the top kiwi cultivators in the worldðŸĨ.

The flesh of the kiwi fruit has a pretty bright green color and a distinct, yet rich flavor (a mix of sweet, tart, sour, bright, and acidic). The fruit has numerous black seeds that add a crunchy texture to this flavorful fruit.
It looks beautiful due to green coloured flesh and black seeds arranged in it in a pattern.
Kiwifruit is a delicious berry of a woody, twining vine and is popularly known by its shortened version as ‘kiwi’. It is native to China and is referred to as the country’s national fruit. Originally known as ‘Yang Tao’, kiwi is an oval-shaped, dull brown colored fruit with a fuzzy texture. The inside pulp is a vivid, semi-translucent, bright green flesh with a radiant pattern of lighter-colored spikes, freckled with a few tiny, edible black seeds. Kiwifruit has a unique and invigorating flavor with a soft and creamy texture.

The Actinidia genus which includes kiwi comprises of about 60 species. Globally, the most commonly consumed varieties are the ‘fuzzy’ and ‘golden’.

Scientific Name – Actinidia deliciosa

Origin – Northern China

Season – October to December (India)

Kiwifruit, also called Chinese gooseberry, is native to Chang Kiang Valley of China, with its cultivation dating back to the late 19th century. It is named as the national fruit of China. The Chinese used to prepare a tonic out of this fruit – it is that nutritious! But, it was the people from New Zealand who recognized the potential of this juicy and delicious fruit. They began cultivating it for commercial purposes. They changed its name in 1959 to kiwi as kiwi is their national bird.

An average kiwifruit contains just 54 calories.

Nutritional Facts Of Kiwi :-

Nutritional breakdown of kiwifruit
Per medium fruit, the kiwifruit contains:

Nutrient Amount Chart
 Serial no.Nutrient Amount

2). Protein0.8grams

3). Total       Fat0.4grams


5).Vitamin        C64mg

6).Vitamin        A3Âĩg




The fuzzy little kiwi also packs in the vital nutrients vitamin E, copper, vitamin K, choline, magnesium, and phosphorus. The kiwifruit is higher in vitamin C per ounce than most other fruits.

Kiwi contains 3 times more vitamin C as compared to oranges.
It boosts our body immunity. It
helps in fighting off infections and
repairs our body tissues. It is
high in minerals and thus it regulates body fluids, blood pressure and electrolytes level in body.
Omega 3- fatty acids and alpha-linoleic acid in the seeds of Kiwi help maintain heart, joints and metabolic health.
The Vitamin E content prevents anti-aging and protects from free radicals.

Kiwis are small and squishy fruits, but don’t underestimate it due to it's size. This delicious tropical fruit is a powerhouse packed with a variety of nutrients such as vitamin C (a whopping 154% per 100 grams), vitamin A, vitamin B6, calcium, iron & magnesium that are extremely beneficial for your health. The small kiwi fruit stores a treasure of nutritional surprises. Kiwi is one of the best source of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Other vitamins including vitamin A, folate, vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), and vitamin K (phylloquinone) are also present in good amounts. Kiwi also contains a high quantity of potassium along with other minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous. All these vital nutrients in the fruit come with an added bonus of dietary fiber.

1). Aids In Digestion -

Kiwi is considered as valuable for maintaining a healthy digestive system. It is a good source of fiber which promotes digestion and maintains intestinal health.
Kiwi helps in treating any imbalance in our digestive system by nourishing it and acting as a prebiotic element.

According to a study, this tropical fruit also contains an enzyme called actinidin that breaks down proteins and helps in protein digestion.

Kiwi aids in providing relief from constipation by stimulating the bowel system. The natural laxative properties of this fruit owing to its fiber content add bulk to the stool. A good amount of proteolytic enzyme actinidin improves the digestion of proteins and facilitates smooth traffic through the digestive system. In the fruit, polysaccharides are present which help in averting the adhesion of enteropathogens and stimulate the probiotic bacteria in the colon. Kiwifruit extracts promote the growth of lactic acid and inhibit the development of Escherichia Coli bacteria and thus, helps in sustaining digestive health.

2). Friend To Heart -

Kiwi can prove to be helpful in protecting our heart. It can safeguard heart from potential damage.
It contains no cholesterol and contains potassium (312 mg./100 g) which is said to help in thinning of blood and is helpful in removal of clotting processes. It lowers the pressure on the blood vessels. This fruit raises the levels of HDL in the blood.
Apart from this, kiwi is known to lower the triglyceride levels in the blood which improves the blood fat profile further. It has quercetin, a polyphenol antioxidant which can aid in reducing the risk of heart disease.

According to a study, participants who consumed 2 to 3 kiwi fruits per day over a span of 28 days experienced a 18% dip in their platelet aggregation response in comparison to those eating fewer or no kiwis. It also suggested that they also experienced a 15% reduction in their triglyceride (blood fats) levels.

Kiwifruit is rich in protective polyphenols along with vitamin C, vitamin E, and potassium which are effective in the maintenance of cardiovascular health. An investigative study has revealed that this fruit exerts inhibitory activities which helps in the reduction of triglycerides in the blood.

A study reveals that eating of a couple of kiwis on a daily basis helps in reducing the platelet aggression response or the risk of blood clotting. This fibrinolytic effect of the fruit on your blood vessels prevents the risk of thromboembolic and cardiac disorders like atherosclerosis.
Due to these properties, we can say that consuming kiwifruit daily can be a great way to maintain cardiovascular health. It can prove to be a good friend to heart.

3). Boosts Immunity -

Kiwifruits are abundant in nutrients and are dense in vitamin C. Consuming 1 cup of kiwi fulfils about  273 % of daily recommended value. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient as it is capable of boosting your immune system to protect against various diseases. A study states that kiwifruits may support immune system functioning in right way and avoids the development of infections like cold or flu-like sicknesses especially in the groups like adults at-risk over the age of 65 and young children when the decrease in immunity of body or less immunity is seen.

The vitamin C content of kiwi can help strengthen your immune system and immunity of your body. Kiwifruit contains a high quantity of antioxidant compounds and vitamin E, which aid in increasing your body’s T-cell count, which further contributes in a stronger immune system.

4). Helps In Fighting Cancer -

Cancer is a life-threatening disease.
Kiwi is rich in vitamin C which contributes in removing the free radicals that damages the skin cells, and can even lead to skin cancer. A kiwifruit can fulfil the requirement of 77% of your daily vitamin C intake. Kiwifruit is having more vitamin C than an orange and lemon have all in together.

Kiwis can help in prevention of colon cancer. The edible fruit flesh contains soluble fiber that helps to promote the growth of good bacteria in the colon which helps in reducing the risk of colon cancer further.

In the Chinese folk medicine tradition,  Kiwifruit has been traditionally used due to it's possible effectiveness in healing various types of cancers such as liver cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, and lung cancer. Kiwifruit can stop the proliferation of cancerous cells and protect endogenous DNA damage.

Kiwifruit functions as an anti-cancer by being cytotoxic to malignant cancer cells without affecting the normal, healthy cells. The plethora of antioxidants, carotenoids, vitamins along with fiber contributes beneficially to the effectiveness of kiwi in the prevention or healing of cancers. A phytochemical called Catechin which is present in kiwi helps in reducing the toxicity of anti-cancer agents by stimulating the bone marrow  proliferation.

5). Antioxidant Properties -

Kiwi offers an abundance of vitamin C along with other phenolic components and carotenoids. These components and carotenoids are responsible for promoting good health. A study on kiwi along with oranges, and grapefruit has concluded that kiwi is having stronger antioxidant qualities as compared to the both. It can protect the DNA present in the body cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals due to the presence of nourishing phytochemicals,further  reducing the risk of inflammations and diseases.

6). Aids In DNA Protection -

Kiwifruit is able to protect human DNA from oxygen-related damage according to researches performed. However, researchers are yet to find out and discover which compounds are responsible for this antioxidant ability. They say that these compounds are definitely not limited to vitamin C and beta-carotene alone. It is often discussed that the flavonoids and phytonutrients present in Kiwi can protect DNA.

7). Helps In Iron Absorption -

Kiwi can be beneficial in facilitating the absorption of iron in the body. A vitamin C dense fruit containing other phytochemicals too such as lutein and zeaxanthin in the fruit can be helpful in improving the presence of iron in the body thus preventing the iron deficiency in your body. A study says that consumption of kiwi along with an iron-rich breakfast cereal results in significant increase in iron in the body as compared to banana.

8). Can Treat asthma -

Kiwis are believed to help treat people with asthma due to high Vitamin C and antioxidant content. A study from 2000 discovered that there was a beneficial effect on the lung function among those who consumed fresh fruit regularly, including kiwis. Kiwi, when eaten fresh, can reduce wheezing in susceptible children.

It  protects against respiratory disorders. Kiwi is loaded with Vitamin C which is an essential nutrient and is suggested to be consumed by those who are suffering from respiratory problems.

It heals the respiratory tract by controlling disorder symptoms like wheezing and nasal blockage.  One study published in Thorax said that those having 5 to 7 servings of kiwi in a week have a 44% decrease in wheezing when compared to those taking only one serving per week. Problems like shortness of breath and chronic cough were seen reduced by 32% and 25% . The fruit proved most beneficial to the patients suffering from asthma benefited with their symptoms getting reduced by a whopping 50% .

9). Weight Loss Properties -

Obesity is one of the major problems in today's life. It can give birth to several diseases. So, if you want to loose your weight or just want to maintain your weight, you can go for kiwis. 100 grams of kiwi has only 55 calories. It  contains soluble fiber that gives the feeling of fullness to you, thereby reducing your hunger.

10). Promotes Better Sleep -

Being a source of serotonin, kiwi can help in treating insomnia. It can promote better sleep. A study revealed that consumption of kiwi helps in improving the sleep quality. It can also be helpful in improving the sleep onset and reducing wake up time after the onset. In this way, it can provide relief from any sleep disturbances.

Kiwi is rich in flavonoids such as naringenin, quercetin, rutin, catechin, epicatechin, which modulate the sleep-inducing receptors and are said to be effectual plant-based sedative agents. The peel of kiwi is a potent ingredient for the development of natural sleeping aids.

11). Prevents Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) -

Kiwi can be beneficial for those who are suffering from IBS.
According to a study,people suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) showed that intake of two to three kiwis daily for a month can control the bowel movement. This is due to the high fiber and actinidin content of kiwifruit.

12 ). Treats Constipation -

Constipation is an annoying  condition. It is linked with adverse colon health, and is usually seen in the elderly and those with poor eating habits.
Kiwifruit is a natural laxative. It can cure constipation. Studies have said that having two kiwis every day is beneficial for frequent and less painful bowel movements.

Kiwi fruit is no doubt healthy to eat but it may be allergic to some. For More Health Benefits and side-effects or allergy factors along with precautions to be kept in mind while using kiwi, keep in touch by visiting and reading my next articles.

                 A Post By Admin.

Author ~ Swatti Sharrma ß



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Disclaimer - This blog is not intended to any advice or prescription.Always keep an eye on allergies you have.Keep check on your health conditions and allergies.Always do a patch test or allergy test before using any product or tip.Consult doctor and dermatologist if needed.Results may vary person to person and it depends on your skin type and health condition.Use any tip or products on your own wisdom with precaution. Always consume any product or ingredient after consulting your Doctor.


Swatti Sharrma ß
