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How to defeat Coronavirus Covid-19 and stop the spread ?

        +    +    +    +    +   +    +    +    +    +                                                                                  Hello Friends, Hope you're safe. I am sending prayers, love & light to you. As  you've read the title & the whole world is going through this, the name Covid-19 doesn't need any introduction. I thought a lot before writing this post. First, I decided not to write it as there's already so much on internet on this new coronavirus. But, then I thought I should write a post here sharing some positive vibes too.
Recent posts

Health Benefits Of Oranges.

                                                                                   🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊    Hello Angels ! Hope you all are doing well ! We all know that  Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. And there is nothing wrong in trying to keep yourself healthy. When we talk about good health, diet comes in our mind and we talk about fruits & veggies. Thinking about fruits, apple comes in our mind first. As we have heard always  An apple a day keeps the doctor away.  It's absolutely correct that apple is quite healthy for you. But, do you know about ORANGES   ? Oranges are low in calories and they are loaded with nutrients. Oranges are delicious & juicy. Their vibrant orange color and flavour makes them special symbolising health and happiness. Orange juice, tart and citrusy is perfect to energise your dull mornings.

Sunshine Blogger Award - Simply Beautiful

Sunshine Blogger Award I am extremely happy that I've  been nominated for Sunshine Blogger Award and  so, I’m honored.  The Sunshine Award is special because it means I’ve been  recognized by a fellow blogger that has put in just as much hardwork into blogging as I have.  As a new blogger, when you start, there are many ups & downs and you also face disappointments but when you get such appreciation, it is really encouraging and worth it.

Best sunscreens of 2018 according to EWG.

                                                                                               ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤   Hello Friends, There is nothing secret behind it that the sun in moderate amount provides many health benefits. Sunrays in right doses help in synthesis of vital Vitamin D in our body. This makes people for sunbath. Many people wait for beach season. From gaining good health benefits, your daily schedules also make you go out in the sun. And here the search for best sunscreens begin to avoid harmful sun exposure, risk of overexposure to sun, sunburns and possibly skin cancer. There are many sunscreens available in the market. But, the issue is which is best ? All sunscreens are not manufactured and created equally. A recent 2018 report by Environment Working Group (EWG)  found that nearly 67% of sunscreen didn't work. Many sunscreens provide insufficient and inadequate protection from sun. They have no harmful ingredients in them.

Difference between Sunscreen and Sunblock.

     ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||    Hello Friends ! In the previous article, I told you about how to check whether your sunscreen is safe or not. Today, in this post, I am telling you about Sunscreen and Sunblock.  Many people get confused about the difference between sunscreen & sunblock. They want to protect themselves from harmful sun rays and this is the reason that they switch to sunscreens or sunblocks. Many of you thought and ask often that which one is better ? Sunscreen or Sunblock ? There are many questions in your mind about two. Some people think "Are they same?" Today, I thought to give you here some info. that will help you somehow. So, let's begin now.....

Is your sunscreen safe ?

  🌞  🌞  🌞  🌞  🌞  🌞  🌞  🌞  🌞  🌞      ♢♢♢♢♢♢♢♢♢♢♢♢♢♢♢♢    Hello Friends ! Hope you are doing well in your lives. When I was writing this review, it just rained today. The weather was awesome. Every season has it's own significance. Each season has some beauty in it and if you are living at a place where you witness different season then you are lucky. While seasons add newness to our lives and we never get bored, they have some drawbacks too. Well, Summer is one of the seasons that has its own characteristics and charm. From  Watermelon  to cool drinks & ice creams, we enjoy summers and try our things to keep ourselves  cool. However, the major problem we face is suntan or sunburn. Harmful UV rays coming from sun affects your skin badly giving you skin darkening and spots. These rays are also responsible for untimely wrinkles & fine lines or age spots. You often take precautions against harmful sunrays and also use many things from sunglasses to scarfs & summerc

Teeth whitening trick recommended by dentist.

      ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡      Hello Beauties ! How you all are doing ? Hope very well ! Keep shining and keep smiling.    Yes, Smile is the best jewellery you can wear  & you know what,    Happiest girls are the prettiest girls. So, be happy and smile becoz    Smile is the only language that deaf can hear & it is the language that all can understand.